Forensic Engineering

Forensic Engineering Forensic Engineering plays an essential role in the investigation of structural failures, accidents and construction-related claims. INTEMAC specializes in this field, applying scientific methods and engineering techniques to analyze the causes and effects of structural failures.

This service not only seeks to clarify responsibilities in litigation cases but also to promote safer construction practices. The goal is to prevent future incidents through a deep understanding of construction errors and their solutions.

Eduardo Díaz Pavón. MSc , PhD Structural and Civil Engineer

Studies to identify the cause of collapses or accidents.

In the face of a construction claim, the determination of its causes, its structural significance and the measures to be adopted requires extensive experience and specialization, as well as an independence that guarantees the impartiality of the diagnosis, all aspects that INTEMAC puts at the service of the client for any study of this type, such as:

  • Accidents during construction.
  • Accidents that occur during the use and maintenance stage (fires, subsidence, etc.).
  • Accidents due to external actions, such as explosions; impacts from vehicles, cranes, etc.; Accidental situations of natural origin such as earthquakes, wind, floods, etc.

This type of study requires a great deal of experience, in-depth knowledge of the regulations and construction procedures used at different times (as the accident can occur in buildings of any age), and the availability of specialists in these fields, all aspects that INTEMAC covers as demonstrated by the Institute’s proven experience in this type of work.

The report on the results of this study will include the determination of the causes of the loss, its scope and significance, and recommendations on the measures to be adopted to repair the damage.

Within the analysis of construction claims, one of the most complex aspects is the analysis of damage caused by extraordinary natural actions such as wind, earthquake, snow, floods, etc.

In these cases, INTEMAC would not only analyze the causes of the accident and the measures to repair the damage that occurred, but also, if the Petitioner so wishes, can advise on the measures to be adopted so that similar damage does not occur in the future.

Accidents during construction due to failure of shoring and scaffolding are relatively frequent.

In these cases, INTEMAC would not only analyze the causes of the loss, but would also advise the Petitioner, if he so wishes, on the measures to be adopted in order to:

  • Repair the damage caused by the subsidence to the rest of the building under construction and its surroundings.
  • Repair the part of the structure that did not collapse, delimiting the affected area and establishing the measures to be adopted.
  • Continue the work with adequate safety measures.
Raúl Rodríguez - MSc, PhD Structural and Civil Engineer