Technical Institute of Materials and Constructions.

INTEMAC is a private organization dedicated to the quality control of projects, materials and execution of works, and to the performance of pathology and rehabilitation studies of constructions and technical assistance in construction.

«  Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of intelligent effort  »

J. Ruskin

We are an independent company of consulting and quality control services in the Construction sector, without any relationship of dependence with Construction companies or Material Manufacturers.

Our policy is based on a positive attitude, as well as on the training and specialization of our professionals, which are differential elements that characterize INTEMAC’s services, producing, through the combined application of knowledge and technology, a result clearly aimed at efficiency and quality.

Our Services

More than 50 years of experience in different fields of construction make us the ideal choice to guarantee professional work developing ideas and solutions that allow our clients and our own Institute to meet their challenges.