Structure Assessment

INTEMAC carries out the following actions for studies for the rehabilitation and pathology of buildings, bridges, tanks, and other concrete structures, as well as to properly document abnormalities detected in the project quality control:

Studies of concrete quality, by:

  • Extraction and compression testing of test samples.
  • Ultrasonic analysis (measurement of ultrasound velocity) of structural elements.
  • Determination of the sclerometric index (hardness index) of structural elements.
  • Study of the correlation between non-destructive tests (NDTs) and compression tests of test samples.
  • Assignment of strength values to lots or to affected columns, beams, or walls.

Ultrasonic Testing

INTEMAC’s extensive experience in studies of structures affected by fire has allowed it to participate in exceptional cases, such as the structural assessment of the Windsor building. In these cases, the use of ultrasonic tests and the combination of tests on test samples and the determination of the ultrasonic pulse speed make it possible to determine the thickness of concrete affected by fire. Ultrasound is also used to detect crack depth.

Eco-Impact Testing

In the case of floors, bridge decks, and walls, Impact-Echo tests can determine the thickness of the tested elements, requiring access to just one side of the element. They are also exceptionally useful to detect defects such as de-lamination, hollows, joints, etc. INTEMAC has a team that is highly trained and experienced with this technique.


To control the execution of piles and pile walls, INTEMAC recommends the use of sonic integrity or cross-hole tests. INTEMAC has been a pioneer in the use of this technique and has extensive experience in the interpretation of the results obtained in the test. INTEMAC also carries out ECHO-SONIC tests.

Idoya Sanz, Structural and Civil Engineer ,MSc

INTEMAC has a test slab capable of testing pieces with spans up to 25 m and four meters high. Laboratory tests are often crucial for explaining accidents at the worksite or to empirically validate the behaviour of pieces with innovative designs or new materials. INTEMAC has jacks capable of applying more than 600 tonnes of load, and more than 60 anchors that can withstand 50 t of pull each. The testing of precast pieces (panels, connections, etc.) is very common.
Full-scale tests are frequently used to document innovative solutions in rehabilitation projects.

Idoya Sanz Ing. Structural and Civil Engineer

Floor Slabs

For more than 30 years, INTEMAC has been performing load tests on bridges and walkways, as well as other structures (slabs, special roofs, tanks, etc.). INTEMAC prepares the project for the load test, the instrumentation, data collection during the test, analysis of the results obtained, and comparison with the expected results. INTEMAC has more than 10 engineers and auxiliary staff to carry out these tests, making use of more than one hundred displacement transducers, two hundred optical strain gauges, more than twenty accelerometers, and three vehicles outfitted to properly carry all of the instruments to the site, to carry out load tests anywhere in Europe. Also, INTEMAC is the only engineering firm in Spain with two laser vibrometers for contactless displacement measurement, which is essential for load tests in which there are catenary installations between the deck and the ground, or spans that cross rivers or other roads that are not accessible. Over the last 30 years, INTEMAC has carried out more than 500 load tests on all types of railway and highway bridges.

This experience is vital to correctly interpret the behaviour of the tested structure. The correct calibration of the equipment is also essential to

Bridge and Walkway Load Testing

Static and dynamic load testing of walkways requires first correctly modelling them and then carrying out the placement of the instrumentation and application of the loads. INTEMAC has carried out more than 90 load tests on walkways of all kinds designed by the most renowned engineering companies: Fhecor, Fernandez Casado, Cesma, P delta, Torroja, MC2, Ideam, etc. INTEMAC has developed its own software that allows us to know each of the instrumented magnitudes at all times and compare actual and forecast results in real time.

INTEMAC’s extensive experience in carrying out static and dynamic load tests on bridges leads to savings for the contractor and the property since the time in which the trucks or machines and hoppers are on the bridge is the minimum necessary, this has led INTEMAC to carry out the load tests of the most emblematic bridges that ADIF has built. the General Directorate of Railways, or the Ministry of Public Works.

The execution of dynamic load tests on RILEM beams makes it possible to determine the basic dynamic parameters (own frequency, damping) of a bridge deck quickly and economically, provided that the proper software is available to process the signals that are obtained.

Piles, Micropiles and Anchors

These tests are done in order to determine the actual behaviour of piles in the ground, generally by subjecting them to loads that are greater than service loads. These tests are normally done to verify the design used in the Foundation project for the construction project, running the test on test piles. The test loads are applied by hydraulic jacks, pushing against a reaction head anchored to the ground. The measurement of vertical movements of the pile heads are measured with displacement transducers in reference to a parallel structure, and in the case of piles poured on-site, the unit deformation at different depths can be verified, to confirm load transfer to the ground by the shaft and the end. The specifications in the standard ASTM-D-1143-81, among others, are followed for these tests

Javier de la Cuerda Civil and Structural Engineer , MSc

The execution of metal structures entails the possible existence of defects that are not visually perceptible, especially with regard to welding. These defects can imply subsequent pathologies if they are not detected and even the collapse and rupture of the joints. In the face of these risks, however, it is possible to know the resulting state of the welds after their execution by carrying out Non-Destructive Tests. These tests provide information on possible defects both superficially and inside the welds. Likewise, on other occasions, it is necessary to know data associated with the nature and resistance of the material assembled on site or to carry out verifications of possible internal defects of the material or thicknesses of the surface protection systems. These aspects are also accessible through the performance of Non-Destructive Testing.

INTEMAC has extensive experience in carrying out specialized tests in this discipline, carrying out the following types of tests and recognition:

  • Visual inspection.
  • Geometric control.
  • Penetrating liquid inspection.
  • Magnetic particle inspection.
  • Ultrasonic Inspection.
  • Steel hardness tests “in situ”.
  • Measurement of paint thicknesses “in situ”.
  • Determination of paint adhesion. (Destructive)

Antonio Madueño Industrial Engineer

INTEMAC has a test slab capable of testing pieces with spans up to 25 m and four meters high. Laboratory tests are often crucial for explaining accidents at the worksite or to empirically validate the behaviour of pieces with innovative designs or new materials. INTEMAC has jacks capable of applying more than 600 tonnes of load, and more than 60 anchors that can withstand 50 t of pull each. The testing of precast pieces (panels, connections, etc.) is very common.

Tests are normally done for manufacturers of inspection boxes, blocks, pipes, conduits, girders, purlins, technical floors, etc. that want to adequately document their CE marking. Also, INTEMAC is the only laboratory in Spain with ENAC certification to carry out Beam Tests that are used to issue approval certificates for the adherence of corrugated rebar. Full-scale tests are frequently used to document innovative solutions in rehabilitation projects.

Idoya Sanz Ing. Structural and Civil Engineer