Project for the rehabilitation of the structure of the San Miguel Market in Madrid


Madrid, Spain
Key data:

After carrying out a study in 2022 on the damage detected in the perimeter cast iron pillars, the Property commissioned INTEMAC to carry out a project to reinforce the structure, including the underpinning of the foundation. This project has had strong constraints for temporary shoring and consolidation. In addition to the constraints of a building with comprehensive protection, there are those inherent to a property of special tourist interest for the city of Madrid, as it is a market open every day of the year and with a large movement of visitors. The work began in 2023 and is scheduled to be completed by the end of 2024. INTEMAC is carrying out technical assistance to the DO in aspects related to the structure


Study of damage to the structure. Material characterization tests. Full-scale testing of new media in the laboratory. Project for the execution of structural rehabilitation.
