
INTEMAC’s Geotechnical area has extensive experience in this area. It has prepared geotechnical studies for unique projects, in both Building Construction and Civil Works (Railways, Expressways, Hydraulic Works, etc.) and Industrial Installations (Industrial Plants, Power Plants, etc.)

  • Determination of ground characteristics
  • Determination and analysis of the geotechnical properties of the ground
  • Hydro-geological analysis
  • Analysis of foundation, excavation, and wall conditions
  • Project and construction solutions for excavation cuts and filling
  • Material and borrow studies

INTEMAC’s Geotechnical Area has a team for carrying out on-site ground tests and surveys:

  • Mechanical boreholes, with continuous test core recovery
  • On-site tests: pressiometric tests, permeability tests, SPT, etc.
  • Continuous dynamic penetration tests
  • Load tests with horizontal and vertical plate
  • Control tests of on-site fillingc

Alberto Blanco. Geologist

INTEMAC’s Central Laboratory carries out a full range of tests for proper classification of soil and rock:

  • Soil identification tests
  • Rock classification tests
  • Tests to determine the condition of soil and rocks
  • Tests to determine mechanical properties: compression, direct shear, triaxial shear, and consolidation
  • Expansivity and collapsibility tests
  • Chemical tests
  • Rock durability tests
  • Permeability tests
  • Tests to determine compacting properties

Alejandro Casado. Geologist

The high degree of specialization and qualification of INTEMAC’s technical personnel, supported by their knowledge and the use of an extensive array of computer tools, has allowed it to develop Distinctive Studies and Pathology Studies, developing a solid reputation and extensive experience in the area of Geotechnics and Ground Engineering on the following topics:

  • Study of the causes of abnormalities or damage caused by movements of foundations, pile-enclosed areas, walls, reinforced ground, excavation cuts, embankments, etc.
  • Analysis of foundation conditions in pathology and rehabilitation cases
  • Analysis of hillside stability conditions
  • Analysis of corrective solutions, foundation underpinning, or ground consolidation
  • Verification of calculations and modelling of distinctive cases
  • Urban tunnels. Subsidence analysis
  • Studies of support conditions for pavement and floors

Alberto Blanco Geologist

INTEMAC’s most characteristic activity is Technical Assistance and Quality Control for Projects and Construction. The Geotechnical Area has extensive experience and is highly specialised in this work for both Building Construction and Civil Works. It has participated in the following types of activities:

  • Foundations of building structures and civil works
  • Geotechnical supervision of Civil Works Projects: Highways, Railways, Metro, etc.
  • Excavations and basement and retaining walls
  • Urbanization works
  • Earthworks: clearings and fills
  • Hydraulic works
  • Foundation underpinning
  • Ground consolidation and treatment

José Ángel Corbacho Ing. Structural and Civil Engineer

Another field in which INTEMAC has a high degree of specialisation is acoustic analysis and instrumentation, of different types, for construction works and elements. INTEMAC’s Geotechnical Area plans, supervises, and carries out the following types of activities related to instrumentation:

  • Acoustic monitoring of movements: settling, horizontal movements, turning, and overhangs
  • Acoustic stress and thrust analysis
  • Acoustic analysis of deformations
  • Acoustic analysis of ground-water levels and water pressure

José Ángel Corbacho Civil and Structural Engineer , MSc